Lindsay Cheesewright lives in a small country town located in NSW, Australia with her Husband and five young children. Lindsay has had no formal training in the arts and prefers to fly by the seat of her pants, learning as she goes.
Artist Statement:
"I am a dreamer with my head constantly stuck in the clouds.
I create art that reflects this through feminine fantasy themes and surreal surroundings; a place where things are not always what they seem.
My art always has the common theme of the feminine, I like to start with the simplest of ideas and allow it to develop as I go. Each piece is a fantastic journey that I travel, with watercolours and coloured pencil as my most treasured companions.
I feel that my current work shows more sophistication and maturity than past works. I have begun to limit my colours now and have been developing a more cohesive look and feel to my work. I am constantly learning from each piece that I complete to help me grow as an artist."
Visit Lindsay's Website
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